What's a web?

2. What's a web?

The entire collection of information (texts, images, sounds...) that a computer produces accessing an URL address by means of a web browser.

There are basically two kind of web classes: HTML and Flash: We are just going to study HTML. (Anyway, if you know how to use Flash, you can also use it...the same goes for the rest of specific programmes: Dreamweaver, Frontpage, HTMLGate...)

It's a folder in which you find, at least, one HTML document from which on you get access to the different parts of this folder. This HTML document, which is the first one of our website (the initial page) has to be called intex.html and to avoid problems of confusion, it's better if this document stays the only one with this name.
The other folders, in our case the folders of the digital portfolio, should be organized in semesters and years, that is to say that the folder "A10" contains the works realized in the autumn semester of the year 2010.

Inside of every folder/semester we can organize the work in subfolders of the respective subject with short names, only with letters and numbers, minuscules, without accents, blank spaces and neither ñ nor ç.

A subfolder with the name "ICP" (Intruducció a la Construcció del Portfoli, Introduction to the Construction of the Portfolio) has to be created and another folder with the name "pr" (projectes, projects) or "db" (dibuixos, drawings).

Exercise 1: Create your own folder in your working space.

ABC would be the letters that form (in this order) the initials of your Surname, second Surname and Name.


Learn more about URL
Learn more about HTML
Learn more about Flash
About the differences between Flash and HTML: click here